e-Kasal! Online wedding amid COVID-19 pandemic now legal in this state

MANILA, Philippines – "It's not the plaza, but love is love...even in a pandemic."

The coronavirus crisis brought uncertainties to the life of millions and authorities ordered people to stay at home as much as possible. While social distancing is in effect, meetings and even the important events are now possible to be done remotely thanks to video-conferencing technology!

Online wedding amid COVID-19 pandemic now legal in this state

In New York City, USA, its governor announced an order on Saturday for the legality of video marriage ceremonies in time of COVID-19 threat.

"Video marriage ceremonies," New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said, in apparent disbelief. "There's now no excuse when the question comes up for marriage. No excuse. You can do it by Zoom."

Zoom is a popular technology gaining a huge boost since the start of the pandemic as it allows workers and government officials to do their job remotely.

Meanwhile, those planning to get married in New York must follow certain rules: “the video conference must allow for direct interaction between the couple and the town or city clerk, the witness or the person to solemnize the marriage.” It means that there should be no pre-recorded videos of the person signing or engaged in the marriage ceremony.

— The Summit Express

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