UPCAT 2026 schedule, online application, requirements

MANILA, Philippines – The University of the Philippines (UP) announced on Wednesday the schedule and application period for UP College Admission Test (UPCAT) 2026.

UPCAT 2026 schedule, online application, requirements
The Oblation in UP Diliman. Photo by Misael Bacani, UP MPRO

The UPCAT for incoming new first-year students for AY 2026-2027 is on August 2 and 3, 2025.

"For Grade 11 students this SY 2024-2025, note that the UPCAT 2026 for incoming new first-year students for AY 2026-2027 is on 2 & 3 August 2025 (Saturday and Sunday)," the premier state university said.

Online applications will be open from March 3 to 31, 2025.

UP said grades submissions will be accepted after the exam, from August 4 to 25, 2025.

Aspiring Isko and Iska should have your valid school ID or any government-issued ID on the day of the UPCAT.

UPCAT 2026 schedule, online application, requirements
Photo courtesy: Facebook/UPCAT - UP System

Coverage of exams

The UPCAT is a four-hour long examination consisting of subtests on language proficiency, reading comprehension, mathematics and science. The UPCAT is in English and Filipino.

Selection of applicants

Standardized UPCAT scores are combined with the composite of final grades in Grades 8 to 11 to determine the admission score ("UPG").

UP said the university also considers socioeconomic and geographic factors in its admission process to implement the policy of democratic access.

UPCAT applicants are ranked based on their admission grades which are the combined UPCAT scores, high school grades, and equity factors where applicable.

Selection for a campus and degree program

Admission into UP is very selective due to high demand. Applicants come from very diverse backgrounds but they are all ranked based on indicators of academic preparedness for university life.

  • Selection for admission to a campus is based on the applicant's rank, campus quota and/or cut-off grade.
  • A successful applicant can receive an offer of admission to only one of the applicant's UP campus choices.

The successful applicants for a given campus are ranked according to grade predictors and quotas of their chosen degree programs. Some degree programs are more competitive due to high demand.

About UP

The UP is a vast System of 8 Constituent Universities located in 17 campuses in the country: UP Baguio, UP Cebu, UP Diliman, UP Diliman Extension Program in Pampanga, UP Los Baños, UP Manila, UP Visayas, UP Mindanao and UP Open University.

Every year, thousands of senior high school students take the UPCAT exam at UP constituent units and designated exam centers across the country.

UPCAT 2026 Updates

The link or microsite of UPCAT 2026, details of online application process (how to apply) and complete requirements will be posted here once available.

— The Summit Express

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