PRC releases revised schedule of 2024 board exams

MANILA, Philippines – The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) on Monday, June 3, 2024 released the revised schedule of licensure examinations from August to December 2024.

PRC revised schedule of board exam from August to December 2024

The new schedule of board exam is enclosed in PRC Resolution No. 1836 series of 2024 in accordance with Republic Act No. 8981 empowering the PRC "to determine and fix the places and dates of examinations."

The Commission previously issued Resolution No. 1728 series of 2023, setting the schedule of licensure exam for Year 2024, including the opening of online processing, deadline of filing applications, practical examinations and target release of results.

SEE ALSO: Original Schedule of PRC Board Exam 2024

But due to the unforeseen administrative and logistical challenges encountered in the conduct of board exams and to ensure the smooth and efficient conduct of exams in various testing centers, the PRC decided to revise the schedule of board exam from August to December 2024.


Revised Schedule of Licensure Examinations From August to December 2024

Board Exam Updates

To know more about the details and changes on exam schedule, visit the official website and social media pages of PRC (

— The Summit Express

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