Magna cum laude pays tribute to adoptive parents

As they say, "Blood is thicker than water," but sometimes, there are people who, even though they're not related to us by blood, treat us like true family, more than expected.

The actions of a magna cum laude graduate from a university in Zamboanga City touched the hearts of netizens, after he hung his medal around his companion, who they think his biological mother.

Magna cum laude pays tribute to adoptive parents
Photo courtesy: Screenshots from RNG News/Facebook of Mark Lorence Bazan

According to reports, the magna cum laude kissed his mother on the forehead and embraced her while they were on stage.

Mark Lorence Bazan, the magna cum laude, graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Special Needs Education from Western Mindanao State University (WMSU).

In his Facebook post on May 13, Bazan showcased his graduation photo with his parents, who turned out to be his adoptive parents.

In the photo, his mother holds a placard saying “Labandera ako” while the man holds a placard saying “Magsasaka ako…”

"Pero hindi yun hadlang para makagraduate ako," he wrote on his own placard.

In his post, he paid tribute to his adoptive parents who never made him feel any less of a family member despite not being biologically related. He claimed to be the first member of their family to finish college.

His full Facebook post:

“Labandera si mamang ko, magsasaka si papang ko pero hindi yun naging hadlang para makagraduate ako, MAGNA CUM LAUDE pa nga!”

“Being the last card of the family is not easy, the pressure is very heavy especially knowing that I would be the first ever to finish a college degree in the family. It has been my motivation why I often strive hard in life. Both my parents are senior citizens. Both of them no longer work due to their status. But it didn’t hinder me from achieving my goals in life.”

“I always tend to find my own means and ways just to survive in college, little did my friends know that I was accepting different kinds of work, little did the people know that I am also providing to my family. Malayo sa personalidad ko sa social media ang social status ko.”

“I have always been grateful & blessed to have mamang & papang in my life even when I am not their biological son but they never let me feel that I am different, that I do not belong. Since elementary they already supported me with my education and this time it’s time for me to payback all their sacrifices, efforts and sacrifices.”

Congratulations, Mark Lorence!

— Noel Ed Richards, The Summit Express

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