Psychometrician board exam passer: ‘Please wag n’yo akong gagayahin!’

Life is truly mysterious. Sometimes, there are those who put their all into something but in the end, they don't achieve what they want or their goals. Some, on the other hand, are just chill, yet they manage to reach their life targets.

Take for example Ryan Daniel Hernandez who was one of those who passed the 2023 Psychometrician Licensure Examination held last August 1 and 2. The results came out on August 9.

Psychometrician board exam passer: ‘Please wag n’yo akong gagayahin!’

He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Laguna State Polytechnic University-Los Baños Campus in 2022.

Hernandez admits that he was just "chill" when he was still studying in college. He carried this chill and relaxed attitude even when he was already reviewing for the board exam. He managed to squeeze in leisure activities such as going out, partying, drinking, and other pastimes as if he wasn't going to take the licensure exam.

Until 20 days before the actual exam, he got sick and was hospitalized. He said he wouldn't take the board exam for the time being. However, 10 days after recovering, there was a sudden change of heart, and he decided to push through with it.

Hernandez further admitted that he didn't pay much attention to the subject of Industrial Psychology and really had no knowledge about it. Nevertheless, he relied solely on luck. Whatever he guessed as the answer, that's what he chose and went with.

That's why he told people like him not to imitate him because he's not a good example.

It might have been a coincidence or just luck for him, but he mentioned that if others were to do what he did, engaging in his "partying," they might not pass or it could be a reason for their dreams not to push through or be delayed.

He also said that he believes he could be an inspiration for lazy individuals who succumb to the stigma surrounding grades.

“Let me be the inspiration para sa mga tamad, gala, at eme-eme nung college,” he said on his Facebook post on August 10.

“Your performance nor your grades in college doesn't define you completely. Some of us just want to have fun while surviving at the same time in college.”

“Mag-inom na kayo, mag-party na kayo, gumala na kayo with your friends. Enjoy it while it lasts.”

Congratulations, Ryan Daniel Hernandez!

— Noel Ed Richards, The Summit Express

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