Topnotcher in ECE board exam fails 6 times in his alma mater’s exit exam

Aaron Polancos triumphed in his alma mater's exit exam, which he needed to pass in order to enroll for advanced course or correlation engineering course.

Topnotcher in ECE board exam fails 6 times in his alma mater’s exit exam
Photo courtesy: Aaron Polancos via PEP

However, he failed it six times, and it was only on his seventh attempt that he finally passed.

He is a graduate of Mapua University (MU) - Manila with a degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE). At that time, he almost lost hope, compounded by the pressure of graduating on time. A student must achieve a score of at least 70% to pass the exit examination.

Now that he passed, he promised himself that he would do even better on the board exam. He vowed to become a topnotcher. Day and night, he read non-stop until he got used to it. He only rested when he felt his mind was overloaded. Sometimes, his mind even continued to work while he was sleeping.

He also decided to enroll in a review center. During the actual board exam, his dream of becoming the board topnotcher seemed to dissolve because of the difficulty of the questions, especially in the electronics subjects.

That's why he was so happy when he found out he passed—not only that, but he was also the top 1 in the April 2017 Electronics Engineering Licensure Examination.

Even though he didn't graduate with honors, he surpassed everyone.

Aaron attributes his success to God, his family—especially his parents and siblings, professors, mentors, friends, and his girlfriend.

Congrats, Engr. Aaron!

— The Summit Express

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