How a grandmother's love and support helped a scholar achieve summa cum laude honors

MANILA, Philippines – A summa cum laude graduate of West Visayas State University has captivated netizens with his valedictory speech honoring his beloved grandmother. Many netizens are inspired by Yancy Panugon, a graduate who showed how the support of a loved one can go a long way toward helping us achieve our goals.

Yancy Panugon honors his grandmother in a touching tribute
Yancy Panugon honors his grandmother in a touching tribute | Photo Courtesy: Facebook/ Yancy Panugon

Yancy's journey began with his grandmother, Mamang Norma, who, despite being visually impaired, worked tirelessly to raise him. With Yancy's mother away in Manila to support the family, Mamang Norma became a pillar of strength and a parental figure in his life. Yancy recalls the nights when his grandmother held a flashlight over his shoulder so he could study and used candles when the batteries ran out. This experience instilled in him the values of perseverance and resourcefulness.

Recalling his grandmother's wisdom, Yancy shares, "Do not compare your struggles with others because the weight of our burdens and our ways of dealing with them differ." He encourages everyone to recognize that each person's struggles are unique.

Yancy's journey shows how important it is to have someone who will motivate and support you when things are hard. Despite facing financial hardships, he was determined to excel and succeed. Yancy's achievements as a valedictorian with a general weighted average of 1.0, reflect his perseverance and love of learning.

Netizens have been deeply moved by Yancy's story. They have been inspired by his strong will and ability to get through hard times. Many individuals’ express admiration for his perseverance.

A netizen commented, "Yancy is a true inspiration and a testament to the saying, where there's a will, there's a way.” Another netizen wrote, "His story proves that no obstacle is insurmountable when you have the determination to succeed."

Yancy's journey serves as a reminder that success is attainable even in the face of adversity. His grandmother's unwavering support and the teacher's guidance propelled him to remarkable heights. Stories like Yancy's remind us that poverty is sometimes not a hindrance to achieving our goals in life.

— Sally, The Summit Express

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