'Bagyong Ambo' PAGASA weather update May 17, 2020

MANILA, Philippines – 'Bagyong Ambo' (international name: Vongfong) slightly accelerates while maintaining its strength but forecast to weaken into a Low Pressure Area in the next 12 to 24 hours, state weather bureau PAGASA announced in its 11:00 am bulletin on Sunday, May 17.

'Bagyong Ambo' PAGASA weather update May 17, 2020

At 10:00 am today, the center of Tropical Depression 'Ambo' was estimated based on all available data at 210 km Northwest of Calayan, Cagayan or 185 km West of Basco, Batanes.

'Ambo' has maximum winds of up to 45 km/h near the center and gustiness of up to 55 km/h. It is moving North at 20 km/h.

In the next 24 hours, the first cyclone this year is expected to move away from the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) or estimated at 565 km Northeast of Basco, Batanes.

'Bagyong Ambo' PAGASA weather update May 17, 2020

Signal No. 1 still up over Batanes, with these possible impact:
  • Very light or no damage to low risk structures,
  • Light damage to medium to high risk structures
  • Slight damage to some houses of very light materials or makeshift structures in exposed communities. Some banana plants are tilted, a few downed and leaves are generally damaged
  • Twigs of small trees may be broken.
  • Rice crops, however, may suffer significant damage when it is in its flowering stage.

In Batanes, moderate with at times heavy rains is expected today. Sea travel is risky especially for small seacrafts.

In Babuyan Islands, residents may expect light to moderate rains. Moderate to rough seas will be experienced.

— The Summit Express

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